Best Primary School CBSE Education in Kuwait - AIIS

Challenging Minds, nurturing talents, and Honouring Individuality

The primary school curriculum is child centered and activity based so that learning is made fun and enjoyable. A happy, stimulating and secure learning environment ensures happy learners. 

Primary education is also the foremost and basic step for every child in building their character. This is the initial process in ensuring broad-based learning including the development of social, cognitive, cultural, emotional, and physical skills of the students. Learning at this young age will help in promoting creative and enquiring minds.

CBSE primary school in Kuwait


  • Aditi (Introduction): Teacher introduces a new topic establishing connection with the prior knowledge.
  • Bodh (Conceptual Learning): Children try to understand concepts through play, enquiry, experiments, discussion, reading. The teacher observes and guides the children.
  • Abhyas (Practice): Students practice strengthening, understanding and skills through a range of interesting activities. Group work and small projects are done to reinforce conceptual understanding and attainment of competencies.
  • Prayag (Application): Students apply the acquired understanding in their everyday life through activities and small projects.
  • Prasar (Expansion): Students spread the acquired understanding through conversations with friends, telling each other new stories, singing new songs, reading new books together and playing new games. With every new topic learnt, a neural pathway is created in our brain. Sharing strengthens learning. A neural pathway is incomplete if we don’t teach what we have learnt.

Why Primary School at AIIS?

AIIS is home to a collaborative, supportive, excellent, and ever-growing experience, which prides itself on its academic performance, global integration, and innovative teaching approach. We are consistently pushing an improvement agenda and ready to adopt progressive education programs such as STEM.

Vertically integrated curriculum design

Our faculty is committed to building a stimulating and caring environment to support their continuous improvement, growth, and achievement of every student—our curriculum and innovative teaching methods help discover the children's creativity and unique talents.

Inquiry-based instruction and adaptive teaching

We follow an encompassing curriculum to go beyond the traditional way of rote learning and encourage the kids to acquire a well-developed cognitive system. We cultivate interaction and collaborative learning in students to increase their depth of engagement and maximize their academic performance.

Active Project-based and Personalized learning

Encourage to investigate their own ideas and gain a deeper understanding of academic concepts Collaborative learning – Motivates to share their perspectives and to verbalize their ideas.

Cooperative learning

Develop the student’s self-confidence and enhance their communication.

Inquiry-based instruction

Encourage students to investigate their ideas and gain a deeper understanding of academic concepts Collaborative learning – Motivates to share their perspectives and to verbalize their ideas.

Best primary school in kuwait

Our teaching methods

We brought varying abilities and personalities together and implement creative and innovative teaching strategies to meet the individual needs of the students. We take pride in providing a progressive approach to education to provide personalized attention for each child.

Impact of our teaching methods

We stimulate the curiosity of your children to help them to lead a meaningful life ahead. Our goal is to build a strong foundation for students with unparalleled opportunities and impeccable support, supporting them throughout their lives.